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You’re Late!
If you’re like most employers, there is that one person who can’t consistently make it to work on time. Let’s call this person B (we’ll call them A when they start showing up on time). B knows what the start time is. But B continually and regularly fails to abide by the start time.
Too Busy for Vacay?
I’ll be honest - I wrote this blog in advance because I'm on vacation today. All week, in fact. I hope you are too. But maybe you’re not. Maybe this summer feels like an endless grind that you simply can’t escape because of demanding customers, short staff, and a lack of experienced or talented people. Here’s how to stop being so busy…
How the 2-Minute Rule Saves the Day
I recently delivered a training session for one of my clients on effective time management. As part of this training session, I was reminded of the simplicity and power of the 2-minute rule. This single rule is truly a game-changer, but only if it has been implemented. Give me two minutes of your time and I’ll show you how it works...
The Best Tool In My Toolbox
We all have our favorite tool in the toolbox--our “go-to” option that we know and trust to perform for us. I know you’re thinking about what yours is right now. The best tool I have in my toolbox is not what you might expect…
Giving the Gift of Time
I was recently on a regular weekly Zoom call with a client and the person leading the call wrapped up earlier than normal. As she did so, she smiled and said, “I’m giving you the gift of time.” I love this because the “gift of time” has been on my mind throughout the pandemic year of 2020, and I’m thinking about how to more strategically give this gift in 2021. My thoughts may be helpful as you prepare your goals for next year...
Work Less, Earn More
For many people, the ultimate goal is to work less and to earn more money. Do you agree with me? Think about it. All things being equal, working less means earning less. Fewer hours equals less money in the bank. So, how do we work less and earn MORE? It is entirely possible, but requires a strategy and good execution...
You Must Be So Busy
I used to be so busy. Every week was a 50+ hour week. I remember the all-nighters to finish the massive bid packages. There was never a year with more than two weeks of vacation. So I can relate to those who still think that staying so swamped with work is a sign of success. Except they’re stuck in a trap making it impossible to grow their business….